Cherokee Garden Condominium Homes, Inc.

1436 Wheeler Road

Madison, WI 53704

Main Office (608) 244-8144
 (608) 241-4747
Fax (608) 241-4450

Cherokee Garden Office & Maintenance Contact Form

Contact us any time

Please use this form to request non-emergency maintenance for your unit or for general information for Cherokee Garden Condominium Homes, Inc.


Residents: in your message, please provide us your phone number, unit address, and an email address we can reply to if needed. When you submit your report, an email with the information you provide will be sent from the website to the office. Our office administrator checks these requests on weekday mornings and forwards to the appropriate maintenance person. The maintenance person will contact you by email or phone. If you send your email after noon M-F or on weekends, please note that your message will not likely be viewed until the following weekday morning. You may also call the office at (608) 244-8144 or (608) 241-4747 and leave a message. 


In case of an AFTER-HOURS or WEEKEND maintenance emergency: call one of your Cherokee Board Members. They will contact the on-call maintenance member who will assist you. Cherokee Members' contact information is located in the front of your Resident Directory.

Need to get a hold of someone, but you're not sure who?

Browse the lists below or Get In Touch.

Administration and Maintenance


In the event of an EMERGENCY (non-maintenance related), call 9-1-1. If you have an emergency, whether it is medical, fire, theft, vehicle accident or any situation that requires police fire or ambulance, call 9-1-1. Call 9-1-1 even if you cannot communicate. The dispatcher’s screen will display the registered address and phone number if you are calling from a land line. If you call 9-1-1 from a cell phone, it does not show your exact location on the computer screen but shows the general vicinity of where you are calling from via GPS.

To help prevent thefts, do not buzz anyone in that you do not know. Keep valuables out of your car and your car locked. Lock your bike, and stow your fishing and sports gear in your storage unit.

Non-Emergency Police Line

If you wish to contact a Non-Emegency dispatcher, call (608) 255-2345.

Power Outages & Natural Gas Issues - MG&E

To report a power outage at Cherokee Condos, please call MG&E at (608) 252-7111.


If you smell natural gas or suspect a gas leak, LEAVE THE LOCATION IMMEDIATELY, then call (608) 252-1111.


Contact Cherokee maintenance ONLY after you have contacted MG&E.

Questions? Check out MG&E's website

Cherokee Garden Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, guided by the Cherokee Garden Condominium Homes, Inc. (The Association) By-Laws, is be responsible for the management of The Association's property and business. Click HERE to see the 2024-2025 members and their offices, and to learn more about what the Board does for Cherokee and our community.

Cherokee Garden Committees

There are seven committees, each chaired by a member of the Association's Board of Directors. A description of the committees and their chairs and members for is listed below. Click on the COMMITTEES link to see the names of the chair and what each committee does for the Cherokee community. Contact numbers can be found in your Cherokee Garden Condominium Directory. Our Committees consist of:

  • Building Resource
  • Building & Grounds
  • Long Range Planning
  • Orientation
  • Personnel
  • Policy & Rules
  • Pools
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